July 10
Railway Club, Vancouver
Just when I thought the fun was over after the Warped show,
I ran into Melissa Auf der Maur (Hole) backstage. She and
Patty Schemel (also in Hole) were in town to play an
unannounced gig at the Railway Club that night. Since it
was first come first serve and a small venue, I headed over
there right away.
I walked up the stairs to the Railway Club, and reached for
the doorknob, hoping to walk right in, but to my surprise,
the door was locked. I tried again, but no luck. A couple
of well-dressed people stepped up beside me and rang a doorbell,
right next to the handwritten "gig poster" reading "Tonight:
Melissa Auf der Maur, and Patty Schelmel". I found this
interesting. A man opened the door and they showed him their
"membership cards" and walked in. Now what? I’m not a member.
I didn’t even know where this club was up until a couple of
minutes ago. I gave it a shot anyway. The man at the door
asked me for my card, and with my baggy shorts, t-shirt, and
backpack, I answered "Melissa invited me". Apparently these
three words were as good as any old membership card that night.
He invited me right in and told me to make myself comfortable.